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Date Received:10/25/2023 10:45:55 PM
To:Persons, Andrew W
Cc:Roberts, Taryn G
From:Chestnut, Cynthia M
Subject:Fwd: [EXTERNAL] City Summit Delivery Session Deadlines and Reminders
Attachments: image001.png

Andrew please note the date we need to submit our PowerPoint presentation.
Taryn, have you submitted photo and bio.

Get Outlook for iOS

From: Julia Glickman <glickman@nlc.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 4:32:12 PM
To: Roberts, Taryn G <RobertsTG@cityofgainesville.org>; Chestnut, Cynthia M <chestnutcm@gainesvillefl.gov>; Chelsea Byers <CByers@weho.org>; Nico Larco <nlarco@uoregon.edu>; Raphael, Adam <adarapha@amazon.com>; Malkov, Anya <amalkov@amazon.com>
Cc: Kyle Funk <funk@nlc.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] City Summit Delivery Session Deadlines and Reminders

Hello all,


I hope you’re doing well! City Summit is coming up in a few short weeks, and I’m very much looking forward to our session! I wanted to send around a few reminders and share some dates and deadlines with you all in preparation for the session.


  1. You should now be able to view the full conference agenda. Our workshop is from 4:00 to 5: 15 PM on Thursday, November 16th. Just FYI, we have slightly altered the wording of the title to “Delivery Robots, Electric Fleets, and Sensors: The Municipal Role and the Environmental Opportunity” (was formerly “Delivery Drones, Robots and Sensors: The Municipal Role and the Environmental Opportunity”).


  1. Since you all are giving individual presentations, I am going to hold “office hours” the week before City Summit in lieu of a pre-session prep call. If any of you have last minute questions or want to go over your presentation, you can stop in. I’ve scheduled that for Thursday, November 9th from 12 PM to 2 PM ET, and I will send around a calendar invite and a zoom link. Please let me know if you would like to meet at a separate time and I’m happy to set up one on one call to talk through anything!


  1. If you are planning to use slides, please send me your slides by the end of the day on Friday, November 10th.  We have a City Summit branded slide deck- if it would be helpful for you to use that to create slides, please let me know and I can send it to you!


  1. Please make sure that you are registered for the conference and have your accommodations set. The speaker hotel block will be closing on October 31st.


  1. Finally, if you haven’t already done so, please send me your headshot and bio. If you registered as a speaker and submitted this information as part of the registration process, you are good to go.



Next week, I’ll follow up with a detailed run of show for this session. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, and I’m always happy to talk through anything on the phone!



Julia Glickman 



glickman@nlc.org    (202) 626-3135    www.nlc.org


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