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Date Received:8/30/2024 3:34:40 PM
Cc:Ward, Harvey L; Chestnut, Cynthia M; Saco, Reina E; Walker, Desmon N; Book, Edwin A; Willits, Casey W; Eastman, Bryan M; LongIslandAudit@gmail.com
From:Adolph Bracht
Subject:[EXTERNAL] Police Sergeants Conduct on Podcast
Manager Curry,

I recently watched a YouTube video with clips of two individuals who identify themselves as members of Gainesville, Fl. Police Department; Sgt.Tristan Grunder and Sgt Jon Rappa. While I have been unable to find the full podcast the clips were taken from, the language used and general demeanor of the alleged "Officers" in the clips I did watch were reprehensible. The video appears to be in response to a recent appearance by one of your Police Sergeants, Sgt.Tristan Grunder, on the "Dr. Phil show", I will refrain from commenting any further on this particular curator of journalistic excellence your "Officer" was apparently permitted to appeared with, except to say, the episode does not appear to have been released for public viewing as of this communication. 

These two "Officers" state, at one point at one point, they/he had the permission of the "Chief" and I suspect that comment was referring to the appearance of Sgt. Grunder on the "Dr Phil" show. If not, and should the statements go beyond the television appearance, and refers to their use of official titles and employment as members of the Gainesville Police Department, by your Chief, for their commentary on the podcast, God help us all. These two "Law Enforcement Professionals" conduct on their own podcast display nothing short of a total lack of professionalism and dignity. Frankly, their conduct reflects poorly on not only the Gainesville Police Department, but the entire Law Enforcement profession. Further, I would assert it will, and perhaps should, subject your Police Department to intense, and arguably earned, strict public scrutiny.  

As a retired military member, with over 15 years Police/Security Forces experience I trust and pray that these two "Officers" are both impersonators, or, if not impersonating Gainesville "Officers", are acting outside the endorsement and blessing of the Gainesville Chief of Police, City Administration. However, they do prominently display their titles and your Police Department's name on the screen, making me doubtful of this possibility.

Over my sixty two years of life experience, I have learned people normally put on their "best face" when they know they are being watched. Assuming any level of accuracy to that assertion, I would further assert while being knowingly, and voluntarily, recorded would compel even more "upstanding" conduct, as the words and conduct are undeniably memorialized forever. If this recording represents these two "Officers" at the crescendo of their personal and professional conduct, I am appalled. I am convinced beyond any doubt these "Officers" do not, have not, and will not conduct themselves in a Courtroom the way they conducted themselves on this podcast. While it's unfortunate that they have more than one "face", I know it's unquestionably a fact. They will instead portray themselves to a Judge and Jury as the do gooders who are trying to save society from the evil that lurks. Further, if what I observed and heard is, in fact, Sergeants Grunder and Rappa at the apex of their personal/professional conduct, citizens beware if you are ever one-on-one, with either of these examples of "Gainesville's finest", in a dark secluded place or worse yet, you're needing help after becoming a crime victim and they should arrive. The mere thought is horrifying.

Please don't misinterpret my comments as opposing free speech. I unequivocally support both Sergeants' right to their opinion and 1st Amendment rights to free speech, whether I co-sign with their views and beliefs or not. That said, when a person makes a voluntary choice to enter the public sector and further makes the conscious decision to use their official title, thereby implying the endorsement of a Public Entity, in this case the Gainesville Police Department and City of Gainesville, I suspect to somehow invoke validity from the watchers/subscribers, their right to free speech should be curtailed. I knew and understood during my 21+ years of active duty military service that while I was entitled to all the Rights afforded me under the Constitution of this great Nation, I agreed voluntarily and of my own free will, that there were some limitations to my ability to exercise those rights. This is not unique to the Armed Forces. All government employees should, and in some cases must, refrain from certain actions while identifying as members of a government agency, for example the Hatch Act of 1939, and is in full force as of today. I assure you, what these two "Officers" say publicly, especially while identifying as members of the Gainesville Police Department, I, and many others, take as the Gainesville Police Department official position, and therefore the position of the City of Gainesville. Incidentally, I reject their assertion.

No surprise, I'm sure, I do find the comments I heard to be enlightening as to the personal, professional and emotional predisposition of these two "Officers". That being the fact, it is extremely disturbing that these "Officers" are sanctioned by your City to enforce laws, carry weapons and are empowered to, Lord help us, at times and at their own discretion, use force under color of law. All without immediate and direct supervision! I find that frightening.  After viewing their disdain for constitutional activism and the disparaging comments directed toward a person who was the reported victim of a crime, actual or perceived, is also deeply troubling, more accurately terrifying. And, as I stated previously, must therefore reflect the feelings and beliefs held by the entire Gainesville Police Department and inherently the City Leadership's view of the public, whether concerning activists or not!  

Sadly, we now have two more perfect examples of why all Law Enforcement Officer complaints and disciplinary records should be open for public review and scrutiny; in person, on line, or by any other means convenient to the general public. I can't help but imagine the treasure trove of information one may potentially find in the employment history of these two "Officers". I presume any allegations, should any exist, would be "unfounded", following the lengthy, thorough and unbiased internal investigations conducted by their parent agency. (Some studies suggest less than one percent of Police misconduct complaints at some departments are ever substantiated) Therefore, I must conclude any potential complaints concerning these two "officers" would most likely be "unfounded" as they identify as Sergeants, a rank or position promoted to not one of a rookie Officer of a department, with limited community interaction. Further, I would hope members of the Gainesville Police Department found to have committed criminal acts, or any violation of public trust, would not be a "Sergeant", hopefully not an "Officer" at all. Understand I am not ignorant, nor do I live in a bubble. I expect Officers will receive complaints. I expect many, if not most, to be unfounded as disgruntled members of the public, or those filing complaints for nefarious purposes, have, do, and will continue to exist and should be held accountable for gratuitous complaints. Convexly, we all know the old cliche; "if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is most likely a duck". While I could go into a dissertation about this, I'll leave it there.

For clarification; I am not against the police, much to the contrary. I am, however, against any person or group of persons, in any profession or organization, who use their actual or perceived authority in a reckless, self serving, indiscriminate and/or demeaning manner. I am against double standards of turning a blind eye to one group over another because of the clothes they wear, the club they're in, their race, gender, nationality, religion or the flag they fly, another potentially endless list. I am, however, against the us versus them mentality I see all too often in the law enforcement community, and clearly displayed in the video clips. I have heard it too many times before; "There's no justice, just us". " Because I said so." " I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six!" " Why did you shoot him fifteen times? That's all the ammunition I had." The list of anecdotes is much too long to go through, but I trust I made the point.

One more thought, or, perhaps, unsolicited input; I believe a defense attorney can and eventually will be in a total state of euphoria dissecting the self destructive and potentially self incriminating comments made by these two "Officers", while verbally eviscerating them. (For example anyone charged with resisting arrest without clear and unquestionable violence toward the Officer) I would offer not only them being subject to scrutiny, but anyone they have trained or accompanied in the performance of an arrest. I can only imagine how those depositions and/or cross examinations could play out. Commenting about roid rage and the potential suggestion of violence without justifiable cause coupled with the total disdain for any individual or group of citizens, in my opinion, is beyond self defeating and conceivably self descriptive or, perhaps, even self reflective, but I digress. Assuming again, the content and/or context of these two "Officers"  comments are not being misrepresented, this is appalling conduct. I am certain, from the video's assertions as presented, the Police Chief will not only be able to access the unedited interview/podcast of the "Sergeants" included in this YouTube video to ensure the validity, but may find it in the best interest of the Department, and City, to review all the "Officers" social media content and podcasts. If, instead, these two individuals are not "Officers" I trust you will take steps to identify, locate, arrest, and prosecute them for all criminal activity and or civil infractions they have perpetuated against the Police Department, City and constituents of Gainesville in this and any other production.

I included the link to the video I have been referencing for you to view. The comments within it should, unfortunately, be plenty to cause you to lose sleep. Listening to these proud self identified members of the Gainesville PD and the reassuring way they unabashedly display their titles and employment as Gainesville Police Department "Sergeants" is despicable. If your Police Chief condones Police Officers dropping the "F" bomb like it's a term of endearment or words of encouragement in public remarks, using disparaging terms towards individuals, or members of any group or organization, and making decisions on the validity of a citizen's right to pursue criminal charges, which, incidentally, a Magistrate apparently found credible enough to issue a warrant for, you have a plethora of issues you need to address within your Police Department. As it has been said many times before, "The fish stinks from the head first".

Lastly, just for clarification, I am not now, nor have I ever been, an activist or member of any 1st or 2nd amendment group or organization, or any other organized activist group or organization. I am acting in my own personal capacity as a concerned and highly disappointed private citizen concerned by what I have seen. I do not know, have never met or communicated with the content producer of "Long Island Audit". I did, however, look up his email, via the YouTube video, and copy him on this communication as I believe he is entitled to be apprised of my comments. I do realize you have many important and potentially pressing issues facing you, but I didn't create this concern with my comments, Sergeants Grunder and Rappa are solely responsible for that. I might even appreciate you finding my concerns less critical than other issues you may be dealing with, I honestly am not sympathetic to that. All that said, I would respectfully expect to receive a reply to my concerns and some indication as to any remedies arrived at pertaining to this matter. I look forward to your response in a reasonable timeframe.

Very Respectfully,

Butch Bracht